We bring you one of the world's finest bespoke designer kitchens from the Loxley workshops in the heart of Nottingham.
Highly skilled craftsmen, time honoured cabinet making skills and a wide variety of beautiful timbers combine to bring creative and exciting designs to life. Many small construction details can’t necessarily be seen when a piece of furniture is finished, although these details manifest themselves in everyday use, making Edwin Loxley furniture and bespoke designer kitchens a pleasure to use and a delight to own.
Hardwood cabinet and frames, extra thick doors, recessed butt hinges and dovetailed drawer boxes are just a few of the hallmarks of a Loxley designer kitchen. With no standard ranges and each piece made to specification, they are designed to stand out from the rest and combine contemporary design with traditional tradesman ship.
Come into our showroom and see for yourself.
Channel Island Ceramics
Forest Road, Forest
Guernsey, GY8 0AB
T: 01481 234 000
E: mail@cic.gg
Mon to Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Sat: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Our ShowroomWe value and care for our community and local charities as an island business.
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